A simple method of constructing a box kite is given in detail as follows:The sticks should be made of straight-grained wood, which may be either spruce, basswood or white pine.
DIY Projects - Awesome project ideas for everyone
How to Make a Rheostat
How to Make a RheostatIn operating small motors there is as a rule no means provided for regulating their speed, and this often is quite a disadvantage, especially in the...
How to Make a Hygrometer at Home
A homemade hygrometer, for determining the degree of moisture in the atmosphere, is shown in the accompanying sketch and consists of a board, A, with a nail at each end...
Wooden bike shed plans – Make a shelter for your bicycle
No self-respecting boy would leave his bicycle outdoors, exposed to the weather like a neglected piece of farm machinery, because it would not be long before it would look like...
Mission Library Table – How to Make a Mission Library Table
The mission library table, the drawings for which are here given, has been found well proportioned and of pleasing appearance. It can be made of any of the several furniture...
Volcano School Project – Art projects for kids
1. You need: 2. On one sheet of card draw a volcano. Colour it.3. Cut across the top of the crater. Measure the cut.4. On the other sheet measure and...
How does a light bulb work – for kids?
How does a light bulb work – for kids? Have you ever looked closely at an ordinary electric light bulb? Hold it carefully while you do so. Inside, you may...
What is voltage in electricity? – Voltage experiment for kids
You can make a bulb light up by using two wires to join it to a battery. The bulb lights up because an electric current is flowing through it. The battery...
How to Make a Copper Bowl
To make a copper bowl, such as is shown in the illustration, secure a piece of No. 21 gauge sheet copper of a size sufficient to make a circular disk...
How To Build An Ice Boat – Ice Boat Plans
The ice boat is each year becoming more popular. Anyone with even small experience in using tools can construct such a craft, and the pleasure many times repays the effort....
How to Make a Telegraph Key and Sounder
The sounder, Fig. 1, is made from an old electric-bell magnet, D, fastened to a wooden base. The lever, A, can be made of brass and the armature, C, is...
Do you know that you are working when you are playing? To a scientist, work is any kind of action that uses energy. Energy is needed to do all types...