DIY Projects - Awesome project ideas for everyone

How to Make a Rheostat

How to Make a Rheostat

How to Make a RheostatIn operating small motors there is as a rule no means provided for regulating their speed, and this often is quite a disadvantage, especially in the...

homemade hygrometer

How to Make a Hygrometer at Home

A homemade hygrometer, for determining the degree of moisture in the atmosphere, is shown in the accompanying sketch and consists of a board, A, with a nail at each end...

How does a light bulb work – for kids?

How does a light bulb work – for kids? Have you ever looked closely at an ordinary electric light bulb? Hold it carefully while you do so. Inside, you may...

How to Make a Copper Bowl

How to Make a Copper Bowl

To make a copper bowl, such as is shown in the illustration, secure a piece of No. 21 gauge sheet copper of a size sufficient to make a circular disk...

How To Build An Ice Boat

How To Build An Ice Boat – Ice Boat Plans

The ice boat is each year becoming more popular. Anyone with even small experience in using tools can construct such a craft, and the pleasure many times repays the effort....

How to Make a Telegraph Key and Sounder

The sounder, Fig. 1, is made from an old electric-bell magnet, D, fastened to a wooden base. The lever, A, can be made of brass and the armature, C, is...


Do you know that you are working when you are playing? To a scientist, work is any kind of action that uses energy. Energy is needed to do all types...